Marshfield Clinic opens a new primary care center in Rhinelander next week.
An Antigo native will be taking patients beginning May 30. The clinic will be located on the grounds of the existing Rhinelander Dental Center, operated by Family Health Center of Marshfield, Inc., in conjunction with Marshfield Clinic, at 2260 North Shore Drive.
Dr. Jessica Marshall is a physician specializing in internal medicine and pediatrics. Shesays she's excited to be a part of the community...
"I will be the only physician, but we will be having outreach providers come in as well. We're hoping to provide general medicine services for patients from birth through elderly ages and we are hoping to provide services of cardiology, urology and some of the other specialties..."
Marshall was raised in Antigo and completed her bachelor’s degree in neuroscience at University of Minnesota. She earned her medical degree from the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and was a participant in the Wisconsin Academy of Rural Medicine program in Marshfield and Rice Lake. She completed her residencies at Marshfield Clinic and the former St. Joseph’s Hospital, now called Marshfield Medical Center.
Marshall has a strong interest in community involvement. She initiated the “Reach Out and Read” program in rural primary care and volunteered for Youth Net Healthy Lifestyles as well as Camp Angel-Angel On My Shoulder. She also completed a Global Health Outreach mission trip to Nicaragua.