The next Science on Tap in Minocqua is set for Wednesday(10/3/18) in Minocqua.
The event brings together researchers in an informal format to discuss some recent developments. Many of the speakers have affiliations with work being done at UW-Madison. One such researcher is Dr. Jake Vander Zanden who will be discussing 'Surprising Findings From Studies of Aquatic Invasive Species in Wisconsin". Vander Zanden is Director of the Center For Limnology at UW-Madison. He will discuss invasives in Wisconsin's lakes and rivers that have become a major environmental issue. Science on Tap is set for Wednesday, October 3, at 6:30 p.m. at Minocqua Brewing Company.
In Rhinelander this Friday, the invasive species team from the Oneida County Land & Water Conservation Department and Wisconsin Headwaters Partnership will identify plants or animals from your property that you might think are invasives.
Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator Stephanie Boismenue talks about the Invasive Species ID day....
"..Invasive Species ID Day from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Trig's parking lot in Rhinelander. If you've suspected you have an invasive species in your yard or you're not sure if it's beneficial to pollinators you can bring that specimen in and we'll be there to identify it..."
Boismenue says the team will help people turn your backyard garden back to native plants and make it better for pollinators.
She says non-native plants can take away your garden..
"..."Gee what is this plant that is consuming all of this area within my garden and covering up all the rest of the plants? If you have something like that, it could potentially be an invasive species..."
She says lake property owners can also see whether a snail at the waterline might be an invader. For more information on the Invasive Species ID day, contact Oneida County Land & Water at 715-369-7835.