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Survey Hopes To Define Brown Street Traffic


The City of Rhinelander has picked up more than 500 responses so far to survey asking for input on roadway options to complete the city's "Streetscape" program next year.

Public Works Director Tim Kingman says they got through the first construction downtown, with the final touches to be done this coming summer, including repaving. But Kingman says during the pause in construction over the winter, they wanted to find out from the public their thoughts, primarily about making downtown Rhinelander's Brown Street one-way....

"....we also came upon a number of people who said we should consider one-way traffic on Brown St. and how the parking was arranged down there. Again, this had been done earlier at length. Yet there was a good exercise here in the interim where we could look at a survey and say, 'did we do the right thing?'...."

The survey has produced some initial data...

"...what it is indicating at this point in time is we made some good decisions when we started out. There's also a good amount of people out there that would like to see Brown Street be a one-way street....."

The survey information and results will be presented to the Rhinelander Public Works and Water & Sewer Committees in early February with any recommended changes then presented to the Rhinelander Common Council for approval.

Kingman said it would be best to have the survey in by February. If you don't have the Internet, you may also complete the survey via paper form at Rhinelander City Hall.

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