Two men working to bring a disc golf course to the town of Newbold say the new course will be a destination course in the Northwoods. The new course is being constructed off Ole Lake Road.
Both Duster Don Hoffman and Bill Stopa are designing the course. Disc golf is played like regular golf, but instead of clubs, you have a Frisbee-type disc to toss. Stopa says the appeal centers around a silent sport, and enables a person who isn't a great athlete to compete. Stopa says many disc golf facilities are on developed public property. He says Newbold's facility gave them creative license...
" gave us a lot of creative licensing to design the course as we want to see it designed, not working with what was already there. So the aspect we took in designing this course was to make it challenging to the professional level. but it also gave us room to roam...."
Stolpa says Wisconsin is known as one of the top growth states for the sports, and says large tournaments are attracting visitors from around the globe to compete. The weather and how much work can be done this year will determine the start date for the course, but Stopa says it likely will be in 2017.
Duster and Stopa are in the Wisconsin Disc Golf Hall of Fame